Koninklijke Drukkerij De Vries – Folding Carton Printing

The course on analyzing printing problems, their causes and how to solve them, was received and experienced positively by our printers.

We see that the printers are more aware of all the variables of the entire printing process and that the number of casts has decreased due to the personal training at the printing press.

Also, due to this course and personal guidance, higher production speeds are being realized.

One of the objectives was to give a quality boost to printers and also to invest in our employees in this way.

Patrick Petra Graphics has contributed to this with this course.

Richard Kramer, Press Production Manager

Boris Janssen – 01-01-2020

Patrick Petra has helped the organization by bringing back the printing presses to the right condition and giving the printers the necessary knowledge in the field of adjusting and working efficiently. With his proactive way of working, passion and clear explanations to the printers, he has earned a lot of credits with the printers and the managers. He has not only managed to do this in the Netherlands, but also in France. He does not speak a word of French, but still, together with the printers, he brought the printing press back to a good condition. Also, despite not speaking the language, he was able to bring the printers to a higher level in terms of adjusting the printing press. The printers were all positive and would like to work with him, despite the language barrier. Patrick Petra distinguishes himself from other instructors by his proactive attitude and positive way of transferring knowledge to the printers. The way of explaining works very effectively. The investment to hire Patrick is quickly earned back, because the printing presses run stable at higher speeds and less waste is produced. Through better adjustments of the printing press and bringing it back in good condition, the printing press uses less insert per order. I recommend Patrick Petra for every printer who wants to get more out of his printers and wants to have and keep a stable machine park.

Boris Janssen

VOB Hardenberg

September 2018 we started a project with Patrick within our printing company in Hardenberg. The assignment was to increase the output with 20% on our KBA 162 presses, higher speeds, save paper and further training of the printers. 

All this in the space of 4 months with a tight plan of action, which went smoothly. Machines were optimized and behavioural change was visible at the people. The transfer of technical knowledge in a clear manner way became
quickly visible in the figures, the output increased and awareness of waste began living.

We successfully completed the project after 4 months, with the output increasing by as much as 23%!

VOB Hardenberg will definitely use Patrick’s services again in the future!

Vincent Wellenberg